Monday, 14 September 2015


 Here are the first  5 the concluding part will be up tomorrow,Would you like to be  a Proctologist ?


Despite requiring a college degree and being an important medical profession, most people think of a career as a proctologist one of the most disgusting jobs imaginable.Proctologist, often referred to as colorectal surgeons, examine the anus both visually and manually on a daily basis.Although they make a six figure salary, they have to treat medical issues related to the anus, rectum, and colon, which makes this a disgusting career

   Sanitation Worker : They clean up the enviroment doing the dirtiest job,Big ups to  LAWMA 
 If you think taking the garbage out at home is bad, try being a sanitation worker and picking up everybody's garbage.Sanitation workers typically ride on the back of smelly trash trucks.They stop at every house on the route and empty the garbage cans into the truck.These cans are not clean and may be over flowing with everything from dirty diapers to maggot-infested leftovers.

A chicken sexer:    This pretty much explains it self,it must take a keen eye
Determining the sex of a chicken is important in ensuring that the chickens eat the right food.For example, females need food that promotes egg laying.A chicken sexer determines the sex of chickens at poultry farms.The sexer squeezes the chicken until feces come out.This process, called venting, causes the anus to open up so that the inside is visible.

      Septic Tank Repair : How someone will choose to go into other people's sh..t beats me but then again,a man's got to do what a man's got to do ,am just thinking out loud will a woman take this job?

 Septic tank repair is a necessary but dirty job that requires a strong stomach.If a septic tank needs repaired, the repair often involves opening up the septic tank which is filled with raw sewage.The smell alone is enough to keep most people from doing this work.If the septic tank clogs or needs major repairs, the septic tank repair worker may have to don boots and wade into the sewage.

Maggot Farming:  Because i know its maggots am like yuck,but quite honestly
 they look sweetly edible in this picture 
Maggots are nasty little creatures that form on decaying meat and vegetables.They are often using in fishing, on movie sets, and in the medical industry.

1 comment:

  1. Dat proctologist face though,looks like anus smelling has reconstructed his face
