Saturday 29 August 2015


A farmer in India has been naked since he was five-year-old because he's allergic to clothes. Can you imagine ?  Simply slipping on a sock would cause excruciating pain for the 43yr old,Subal Barman  43, from northern India.
Mr Barman has been unable to seek treatment because of the costs of treatment.
I wish someone will open a gofundme campaign for him,sigh**** am only a teen***
Subal Barman says people in his village are used to seeing him naked and don't mind seeing him naked

As a child he did occasionally feel uncomfortable naked, but he now accepts that he’s likely to be nude for the rest of his life.He wants a wife but no woman will have him because of his condition.
What a pity

Simply slipping on a sock would cause excruciating pain for the 43yr old,Subal Barman  43, from northern India.
Mr Barman has been unable to seek treatment because of the costs of treatment.
I wish someone will open a gofundme campaign for him,sigh**** am only a teen***
Subal Barman says people in his village are used to seeing him naked and don't mind seeing him naked
More pics after the cut

As a child he did occasionally feel uncomfortable naked, but he now accepts that he’s likely to be nude for the rest of his life.

imagine if no one wore clothes
Lonely: He wants a wife but no woman will have him because of his condition.

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