Thursday 27 August 2015


Shortcuts Function & How to Apply
Ctrl + C It will copy the selected text. First select the text and then apply the shortcut.
Ctrl + V It will paste the coped text.
Ctrl + Z It will undo the deleted or erased text.
Ctrl + Y It will redo the undo text.
Ctrl + X It will cut text and place in clipboard
Ctrl + B It will bold the selected text. Select the text and then apply this shortcut.
Ctrl + A It will select the complete page.
Ctrl + S It will auto-save your post and you can keep on editing at the same time.
Ctrl + U It will underline the selected text.
Ctrl + I It will italicize the selected text. First select the text and then use this shortcut.
Ctrl + K It will insert hyperlink to selected text.
Tab It will cursor to the next box
CTRL + V To Paste
Ctrl + F It will give you a search which you can use to find any phrase or sentence


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