Friday 23 October 2015


The ocean is the single most massive entity encompassing the good majority of our planet. More people have stepped foot on the moon in the middle of space than have walked in the deepest portions of our oceans. That being said, humans have only explored about one percent of the seafloor. Mysteries abound in those hidden locales deep under the ocean blue. Here are 20 mysteries that science is having trouble explaining under the sea. These will make you wary of stepping foot in deep water the next time you’re on vacation.

Giant Oarfish

The giant oarfish is thought to be the reason for most sea serpent sightings throughout history. These massive water-dwelling creatures can reach up to 36-feet in length, which is bigger than a shipping container. Previously, the oarfish was thought to be incredibly rare, but seems to be more common than scientists once thought.

Macropinna Microstoma

The Macropinna is a type of fish that is incredibly rare and barely understood. The creature is surrounded by a transparent, fluid-filled dome on its head, allowing its interior organs to be on display. Its barrel-shaped eyes point up and can be rotated to change position.

Deepwater Photosynthesis

There is not a single shred of sunlight at the bottom of the ocean, so deepwater photosynthesis is a bit of a mystery. Some bacteria surrounding hydrothermal vents have managed to use photosynthesis to produce food for themselves. Scientists don’t know how this is possible still.

Vampire Squid

The vampire squid is an incredibly bizarre deepsea creature that is capable of producing its own illumination via glowing tentacle tips and spots on its sides. Should the creature be disturbed, the vampire squid will eject a spurt of ink than can glow in the dark.

Baltic Anomaly

The Baltic Anomaly is a completely unknown item deep within the Baltic Sea that is said to either by a pre-Ice Age artifact or part of a Nazi anti-submarine device. Whenever a diver gets too close, their equipment will cease to function within 650-feet. An impressive radio signal can be heard near the item, too.

Bigfin Squid

The bigfin squid was only recently discovered in the mid-2000’s off the coast of Hawaii. Since then, this particular sea creature has rarely been spotted or photographed. The tentacles on the squid are said to reach up to 16-feet in length.

Battle Snail

Snails are certainly not an impressive animal by any means, but what makes thing deepsea snails so unique is the thick layer of armor adorning their body. Found within the Indian Ocean, these snails use iron compounds in the form of scales to protect their fleshy bodies The United States Army is said to be using these snails to research improvements for their own armor.

Frilled Shark

The frilled shark has been called a living fossil due to its highly primitive features. This particular shark is rarely, if ever, seen by people, and is capable of trapping prey by crimping their body and leaping like a snake to attack.

Mariana Trench Mystery Shark

In an attempt to research aquatic life at the very bottom of the Suruga Bay, which is intensely deep, Japanese scientists put out a bit of bait. These men and women weren’t expecting to discover a species of shark that was at least 30-feet in length. Some believe this to be proof of the Megalodon existing deep under the ocean.

Underwater Whirlpools

The only thing scientists have been able to compare an underwater whirlpool to is that of a tornado. These are found above some of the deep sea vents at the bottom of the ocean, and can even break away and fly about like a saucer. Heat, chemicals, and organisms are thrown around.

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