Wednesday 28 October 2015


Fastest Car

Although there are many cars in the world that are faster than the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport, this beauty still remains the fastest street-legal production car ever made. The beast is known to reach a maximum speed of 431 k,/h.

Fastest Computer

Computers are already known to be extremely speedy in their computation process, but the “Tianhe-2” is a supercomputer unlike any other. The machine was developed in China and it has an amazing performance speed of 33.86 petaflop/second. This means that it can carry out quadrillions of calculations every second.

Fastest Animal

The Cheetah has built a reputation around the world for being the fastest land animal. The fast feline has been known to travel at speeds of 120km/h.

Fastest Water Slide

Amusement parks are mostly known for their thrill rides and the boundaries they manage to push. ‘Insano’ is a water slide that can be seen in Fortaleza, Brazil. It is as tall as a 14 storied building and is known to be the fastest water slide in the world. The ride only lasts a few seconds but you are propelled to speeds up to 65 miles an hour during this drop.
Fastest Rapper
NoClue, a relatively young and unknown rapper has won the Guinness world record for being the fastest rap artist. The artist apparently rapped 723 syllables in 51.27 seconds, which means he spurted 14.1 syllables every second during his record-breaking performance.

Fastest Train

MLX01, a train operating in Japan, is known to be the world’s fastest train. It uses the revolutionary Maglev technology to attain some incredible speeds. In 2003 itself, the train managed to travel at a speed of 581 km/h.

Fastest Man In The World

The fastest man in the world is now a renowned icon, a legend in his own right. Usain Bolt has the official world record for sprinting the 100 meters in the fastest time of 9.58 seconds. The athlete, however, had managed to sprint even faster in 2009, when he apparently completed the 150 meters sprint in 8.70 seconds. Although this record is not officially recognized, he was traveling at a speed of 41.38 kph, the fastest by any human being.

1 comment:

  1. i like the fact that you create your style of blogging ,really creative and not joining the bandwagon like linda ikeji wannabes
