Thursday 1 October 2015


Fox leaping up to have their picture taken  
 Say cheese! These photogenic foxes seem to have the grasp of digital technology as they get their paws on a photographer’s camera to take snaps of each other.

More pics after the cut
The confused characters don’t seem to know which way to look when they first look into the lens and also back the other way.
The furry friends have the cheek to approach the camera and start organising their own photoshoot, posing for one another.
Reaching on their back legs, they in fact were reaching for the dog food inside the lens which they had sniffed out, but decided to click away instead.
Julian Ghahreman Rad, 24, from Vienna, Austria had taken the photos at Vienna’s National Park, but said he did have to wait out for a while for the foxes to approach.
The two foxes inspecting the camera
Fox getting close and personal to camera

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