Sunday 15 November 2015


In this parts they are called Monitoring spirits (lol)
People who judge their own progress by how far ahead they are above others,people who want things just because the other person has it.

Competitions have made us forget that it is only man that creates competition .
A pigeon never competes to be an eagle ,neither does a goat compete to be a Lion,
But they each have their place in creation
Competition leaves us from focusing on what we have and can improve upon to wanting what belongs to others 

What to do ?
The first step lies in asking deep questions and soul searching ,who am i? am i a leader or a follower ,what do i love to do ,then focus ,run your own race and only you can be the winner on that track

Go ahead be the winner that you are Focus on you and No one Else !

Good morning and have a Great day 

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